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Writer's pictureMontville VillageAssociation

MVA Monthly Newsletter June 2024

Updated: Jun 7, 2024

And check out the full calendar of local events on our home page:

Welcome to our Monthly Newsletter.

The Montville Village Association brings people together to participate in a wide range of activities.

As per our constitution, our objectives are:


(1)   To represent the views of the people of Montville in local, State and Federal forums on matters associated with the progress and development of Montville and with the conservation of its heritage and environment.


(2)   To provide and support the social structures and networks necessary to maintain a healthy and vibrant community and promote community building in response to community needs.


(3)   To manage, and ensure fair and equitable community access to, the community facilities owned by the Association for and on behalf of the people of Montville; namely the Montville Village Hall and the Montville Sports and Recreation Grounds.

Feel free to share this newsletter and invite others to our events. Membership of the MVA is open to all with an interest in Montville, is free and doesn't come with any commitments. The size of our membership however does impact our ability to speak for the Montville area, and obtain grants to organise events, so invite your neighbours to join up! Contact Janny, the MVA secretary, on

What's on in Montville

June 8 - Montville Growers and Makers Market

Come and join us at the market; enjoy the vibe of live music, hot coffee and delicious food while browsing stalls run by your talented stallholders. Enjoy the best pancake breakfast on the Range served by our friendly volunteers on the deck of the Montville Village Hall!

The market opens at 7:30 am in Memorial Close in the heart of Montville. Pancakes are usually served until 10:30 or until they run out, so come early to get yours!

June 12 at 6 pm - Montville village: Its future in your hands. A MVA Project update

The MVA management committee held a half day workshop in January focussing on our aspiration, ideas, challenges and opportunities. We would like to share our ideas with you and are inviting your input and comments.

Topics raised were grouped under headers like Montville Liveability, Memorial Precinct Place Making, Community Events, Management (and future) of our Village Hall and Sportsground.

Some of the ideas are already being implemented, like providing more time in our general meetings for guest speakers and member inputs by sharing the reports normally presented via this newsletter ahead of the meeting.

Doors open at 5:30 pm for socialising, with the meeting starting at 6 pm. All are welcome!

June 10 at 6 pm - Understanding Autism

This free talk is brought to you by the Montville School.

There are currently 96 students enrolled over 4 classes here at Montville.

The new playground and outdoor learning area project continues to be the main infrastructure project. The rain has caused significant delays, but we are hoping to have some sections open for the students in the near future.

  • Playground should be finished in August (hopefully!)

  • School locked in to sell sausages at Rangebow

  • School locked in to do car park for Rangebow

  • The neuro diversity team is lining up a number of talks, the first one is next week!

June 22 at 7 pm - Drag Queen Bingo

Ticket sales closing soon! Our next fundraiser for our lovely Village Hall is a fantastic and fun evening with the amazing Roxanne Redacted.

July 6 from noon to 3 pm - Grooves on the Green

Our next "Grooves on the Green" is on July 6th, and we will be hosting a very, very special guest. Bring a chair, bring the family, get some nibbles and drinks from our village shops and establishments, and see you on the village green!

Rangebow Tickets on Sale Now!

Yes, it is on again this year from August 1st to 4th, with lots of free events.

A diverse and creative not-for-profit festival it will be held at multiple sites across the Sunshine Coast Hinterland: Maleny, Montville, Flaxton and Mapleton.

The festival program features film, theatre, arts, taste, music, nature and cultural events to celebrate community, diversity, inclusivity, reconciliation, sustainability, creativity and expression.

In 2024, The Rangebow Festival will feature over 30 events and activities across four days featuring world premieres, authentic first nations food and cultural experiences, cabaret, drag and unique nature, opera and music experiences and performances.

Southern End of Village gets Defibrillator!

The Opalcutter in Montville have generously donated a Defibrillator to be positioned on the outside wall of the Visitor Information Centre. The donation includes a waterproof exterior box. Delivery is expected later this week. Signage around Montville will be updated after the installation.

We held a very succesfull AED training session with the Queensland Ambulance Service at our April meeting. If there is enough interest we can put on another one, just let me know!

AED locations in Montville:

  • Montville Village Hall Entrance - available 24/7

  • Montville IGA - available during opening hours (every day 07:00 to 18:30)

  • Montville Mountain Inn, 126 Main Street, AED kept in the office - phone 07 5442 9499

  • And now: Montville Visitor Information Centre - available 24/7

First aid is also available from the Montville Health Centre at the Village Square (Mon, Wen and Thu 09:00 - 12:00, Tue and Fri 09:00 - 17:00)

MVA key reports

Montville Village Market: Lookback on the May Market

The Market and the Hall Rental are our main sources of income, and each month we have a look back at the previous market.

A cool, foggy, damp morning early which brightened up to fine weather. Three blinds were lowered on the deck for shelter. A steady, busy market with a joyous atmosphere on the deck.


A huge thank you to our cheerful volunteers as we achieved 134 serves of pancakes being made.  This compares with 137 pancake serves at the April market.

Total volunteer hours required to setup and run the market 94.5hrs. There were 24 volunteers helping, working an average of 3.9 hours per person. Thank you to everyone for their valuable contribution of time and happiness. Sixteen volunteers worked in the kitchen and serving pancakes were very well appreciated by patrons.  Three fabulous people worked double shifts.

Our three new volunteers this market were very happy and looking forward to next time.

There were 26 paying stallholders, no new stallholders and 4 cancellations.

Five community stalls this market: MVA Community Harvest, Barung Landcare, Young Entrepreneurs, Coffee Van and Bread Stall.


Kitchen receipts:


 EFT $1139.50 Cash $451 less $120 float


MVA receipts:


EFT Nil Cash $60.50 (less $5 electricity to St Mary’s)



Bread stall receipts:

EFT: $692.50

Cash: $520.60 (less costs $797.50, $63.73)


Stallholders receipts:


EFT $0  Cash $545 (less $120 musicians, $15 electricity St Marys)







As our bakers have moved to Japan and Tasmania, and the Market Committee has resolved to operate the bread stall with a view to helping interested community members to take it on. Volunteers have been rostered to sell the bread up to the June market. It is hoped that Phil Duggan will take the bread stall on from July. The MVA will receive the surplus whilst the stall is run by the market.       


Market committee will follow up with Wayne Parcel for assistance to submit applications to formalise the Memorial Road Closure on Market mornings.

Montville Village Hall: What's Happening


May activity:

  • 2 enquiries, no bookings.  

  • QuiGong, Tai Chi, Lions Club and Yoga continuing.

  • In the past 2 weeks we’ve had 2 very successful Weddings and another booked for mid June.

  • On 2 and 3 June the Sunshine Coast Arts and Craft group have their half yearly Fair.



  • As most are aware, there has been an issue with drainage at the corner of the hall since the Council paved the hall entrance and memorial gate area. We have had many promises of repairs, but non forthcoming. MVA President has sent a letter to Cr Winston Johnson on the 8th April, and followed up with an email on 14th May requesting urgent action from Council or escalation of the issue will take place.

  • Electrical equipment has been tested and tagged.

  • All Market equipment is stored under the Hall covered with a tarp. John Davis advised he would send a quote to build a shed style structure on the old water tank base.

Community Group Updates

Russell Family Park (RFP)

Still no ‘evidence’ of the recently sighted platypus in the neighboring Rangers travelling upstream to the Park’s lagoons.

This month the unofficial rain gauge recorded 83.5 mm and the lagoons (aka Skene Creek) are still flowing.

BushCare Group

If anyone is interested in joining us, we are at the Park for one and a half hours from 7.30 am every Sunday. For further information contact Eric Anderson – Mobile 0427 127 417.

The team worked for 43.75 hours this month mostly doing maintenance weeding, although 22 plants were established in small areas that still needed planting.

The 2023/2024 State & Territory Landcare Awards were held on Saturday May 25 across 6 venues across Queensland and online via Zoom. The Russell Family Park BushCare Group won the Australian Government Community Partnerships Landcare Award”. We were one of 11 nominees in this category.

Click on the following link for further information about the awards.              


Montville History Group


We are currently researching the history of a number of buildings for Book 10 in the Montville Stories Series.

  1. The history of the slab hut on Western Avenue approximately opposite Gaden Road, originally on land selected as Portion 70v by Henry Smith and then subdivided with Lot 8 sold to Edwin Farrington has been intriguing to research with historian Gordon Plowman, timber expert John Muller, offering much valued insights and local tree advisors Eric Anderson and Diana O’Connor also consulted. As an extra bonus, Jim Cox has drawn a number of sketches based on descriptions held in the History Group’s archives and these will be included in Book 10.

  2. We have had an opportunity to interview a large number of past and present home owners and their information has added some entertaining insights. We have also sought the help of Gillie Warren, past Montville History Group Coordinator, and Allan Rhode for historic Real Estate information.

  3. We have still to interview Mrs Barrett, owner of Mistys, Kerry Ryan of 12 Akala Street Flaxton owner of the home that was once Percy Dixon’s and Lynn from Mystic Mountain Tours who rented Bon Accord.

  4. Interviews with the children of Morris Dixon, Sarah Clarke, present owner of Chermside, Geoff and Ann Hocking past owners of Tanderra, now Chermside and with Jan Counter current owner of Bon Accord have been conducted in the last month.

  5. Those we have not yet been able to contact include Max Percival (Bon Accord) and the Muriel Schofield family (Chermside).

  6. Houses we are working on for the This Old House column in the Sunshine Valley Gazette include Elsie’s Cottage (the home of Clive and Elsie Blair at 29 Main Street Montville) and Bianda – 414 Western Avenue.

  7. Ally and Rick Rexa invited Western Avenue past resident from the 60s, Sue Nichols nee Harper and her husband Rob to an afternoon tea and tour of their home (400 Western Avenue). Cate was invited too and together they were able to establish a substantial history of the home.

Queries this month:

  • Cameron Bayliss, the partner of Richard Sargent from Crystal Multiverse inquired about Alf Smith. He plans to open Spooky Hollow at 156 Main Street in the next few weeks.

  • Christopher Power had a request to find his grandfather’s farm that was about 10 miles from Palmwoods. With some help from Gordon Plowman and his brother David, who knew the Power family, the farm was located within 24 hours of the request – on the land now occupied by Flaxton Gardens.

Book sales – Sarah Clarke bought a complete set of books to put into Elsie’s Cottage – now available as a rental. Books are available for purchase at the Montville Post Office (in the IGA), at the Montville Market and at the MVA General Meetings.

Two stories were written for Hinterland Times about Eleanor Dark and Hilary Brown, a reminiscence from Mary Dixon for Happenings and several revisions and updates of website stories have also been written this month.

One of the huts Jim Cox sketched

And a lovely photo of the Village Hall in the late 1960's. Trees were donated by the Montville Ladies Social and Benefit Club, planted in 1964 to replace the fence that was taken down in front of the hall.


Montville Sportsground Committee

The Montville Sportsground is owned by the MVA and has three tennants: The Range Soccer Club, the "Woodies" and the Montville Tennis Club. There is a quarterly meeting between a representative from the MVA and the clubs.

A common template for access agreements at the Sportsground for each club was distributed. An electronic copy subsequently distributed. Timeline for feedback was distributed. (Timeline is for new access agreements to be in place from the start of 2025 with all three clubs on a 7 year agreement from that date. As a transition to the new lease agreement current financial arrangements will continue until the expiry date of the current access agreements. Other than this all other aspects of the new access agreement would be actioned from January 1 2025.) Each club requested to provide feedback by August 1. Following this and the August MVA Management Meeting discussions will be required with each club to formalise their final agreement for implementation from the start of 2025. Main issue will be the financial arrangement and agreement as to each club’s responsibilities.

Incorporation plan (which would make it easier for our tenants to apply for grants) is still alive but may take longer i.e. 2025.

Concern was raised that the new drain under the road was easily accessible  to small children who could become trapped. The Soccer Club Representatives agreed to approach the road developer for them to install a safety barrier.

Concern was raised that an itinerant person had stayed overnight and seen on CCTV attempting to access buildings. Discussion resolved that member should be reminded that this is illegal and any person(s) be asked to move on and if there any problems the police be contacted. Though minor at this stage (only one instance) concern was that it was best to draw to each club’s attention in order that it does become a bigger problem.

Concern raised that dogs had been on the soccer oval and their faeces not removed. This is a potential health issue for players. Dogs are not allowed on the oval and dog owners who come to the grounds, i.e. spectators etc,  have a responsibility to take away their dog’s faeces. Soccer Club to monitor and advise of compliance.

Western Avenue Action Group (WAAG)

As all may have noticed, the survey work promised by our council to make this road safer for the increasing number of pedestrians, was completed in May. We are now waiting for further action from the council.

Montville Streetscape

This committee has representatives from the MVA (Andrea Radford and Eric Anderson), and Montville Chamber of Commerce (MCC) (Shiralee Cooper, Richard Sargent and Helen Inman).

Montville Southern Entrance

The entry corner refurbishment was completed in 2 days rather than the week it was originally advised. There has been a lot of disappointment with the result as no weeding was done and anthurium plants have been planted, which are currently dying.

Main Street Footpath Inlays

The Main Street footpath inlays have been refurbished so the missing pieces have been reinstated by the original artist.

School footpath upgrade

This project is being funded by Council and the Chamber of Commerce.

Montville Tennis Club (MTC)

Montville Tennis Club (MTC) welcomes all to come and get active, enjoy some very social tennis and get involved in our program of events including Wimbledon strawberries, cream and bubbles, The Rangebow Festival High Tea Tennis and US Open themed hotdog and burger day. All standards of tennis from novice to advanced welcome. Why not contact us and come along to try it out either through our social tennis, coaching or book a court. First try is free and court bookings are only $14/hour.

We pride ourselves on a welcoming inclusive club for all ages, persuasions and abilities. So why not join us and enjoy our facilities, get active and meet some new people along the way. Hope to see you there!

Fire Brigade

Rainfall to 5 Jun 2024:                  1434 mm (Jan - 5 Jun 2023; 443mm)

2023  total:                                     938 mm

2022  total:                                     3450 mm   


May 2023 rainfall:                          113 mm

May 2024 rainfall:                          87 mm


Previous driest year (2011)            1033 mm


Rainfall to 5 Jun 2024 incl is 153% of 2023's total, 83% of av yrly over last 2 decades


Permits issued 15May-05Jun  2024:      6

The BoM said a month ago that we're now 50% likely to be in a wet la Nina.

Last month's rainfall was the first this year to be less than same month in 2023.

I rest my case in respect of a possible putative drought, and continue to warn of a probable severe fire risk in a couple of months.

Masonic Lodge

Masonic memorial service for Keith MacLeod to be held Tuesday 11June. All welcome (7.30pm at Montville Lodge).

Have Your Say!

Have your say: Sunshine Coast's new Active Transport Plan - due 17 June

We encourage our community to ‘Have your say’ and share their thoughts and provide feedback which will guide the priorities for improving active transport on the Sunshine Coast. 

The survey will be open for four weeks until 5pm on Monday, 17 June 2024.

The new Active Transport Plan will help Council to achieve its goal of delivering a connected, safe, healthy and sustainable transport system by 2041. A transport system that works for the whole Sunshine Coast community, enhancing quality of life, contributing to economic viability, and adding to the region’s sustainability.

Achieving this vision may include:

·         improving the walking and riding network of paths

·         building new infrastructure where connections are missing, or support more comfortable travel

·         prioritising user safety

·         encouraging behaviour change.

Your Vote Counts: A sky filled with Stars - due 16th June

In May we had the honour of hosting Dr Ken Wishaw who talked about his dream of protecting the night skies of the Sunshine Coast. This has culminated in the Sunshine Coast Regional Council presently considering applying for the Obi Obi Valley to be granted an International Dark Sky Reserve through Dark Sky International. 

This area would encompass the Mary River Catchment and adjoining State protected areas. It includes (but not limited to) the townships of Maleny, Mapleton, Montville, Witta, Flaxton and Conondale.

Your feedback on this proposal is important, have your say before June 16th!

If you wish to read more on this concept visit the Sunshine Coast Regional Council site at

Sunshine Coast Community Strategy Refresh - due 10th June

The Sunshine Coast Community Strategy 2019–41 is one of Council’s three regional strategies. Adopted in 2019 the Sunshine Coast Community Strategy 2019-2041, and supporting Action Plan 2019-2024 provide the framework for how Council and community will work together to advance our shared goal of a strong community.

In 2023, after four years and substantial change in our community, Council began a project to refresh the Community Strategy and develop new actions to achieve by 2029. A draft refreshed Community Strategy has now been written. 

Significant input from the Sunshine Coast community has shaped the draft refreshed strategy and identified priority actions. Council is now checking in to make sure we’ve got it right. There are multiple opportunities for you to have your say, including:

This is your last chance to provide feedback, with the new strategy being finalised before the end of 2024.

Feedback on the draft refreshed Community Strategy closes 5pm Monday, 10 June 2024

Wanted: MVA Secretary, become part of the Exec Team!

Having done this role for nearly three years, I plan to pass the baton over to another of our membership at the AGM in October.

I joined pretty soon after we moved here, and have found it a great opportunity to find out what is happening in the village. We have simplified the processes over the last couple of years, and the committee members are now fully trained in providing their reports digitally and on time before the meetings!

The key roles and responsibilities are:

  • maintaining the membership register

  • documentation (share and archive correspondence, meeting minutes and actions, MVA constitution and registration, and other (mainly digital) paperwork)

  • communication (monthly newsletter blog)

  • organise the Executive Management meetings (Wednesday before the Market, from 6-7 pm)

  • organise the General meetings (Wednesday after the Market, from 6-7 pm)

The skills that you need: be organised, good time management, good communicator with solid computer skills (gmail, excel and word). The monthly newsletter gets posted via Wix, which is easy to learn if needed. Overall time commitment is around 14 to 20 hours a month in total.

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