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MVA Monthly Newsletter September 2024

Writer's picture: Montville VillageAssociationMontville VillageAssociation

Have Your Say! General News and Volunteering Opportunities

SCC Dog Exercise Plan Focus Group

And check out the full calendar of local events on our home page:

Welcome to our Monthly Newsletter.

The Montville Village Association brings people together to participate in a wide range of activities.

As per our constitution, our objectives are:


(1)   To represent the views of the people of Montville in local, State and Federal forums on matters associated with the progress and development of Montville and with the conservation of its heritage and environment.


(2)   To provide and support the social structures and networks necessary to maintain a healthy and vibrant community and promote community building in response to community needs.


(3)   To manage, and ensure fair and equitable community access to, the community facilities owned by the Association for and on behalf of the people of Montville; namely the Montville Village Hall and the Montville Sports and Recreation Grounds.

Feel free to share this newsletter and invite others to our events. If they receive the "Happenings" but don't receive the monthly email, they are not MVA members yet! Membership of the MVA is open to all with an interest in Montville, it is free and doesn't come with any commitments. The size of our membership, however, does impact our ability to speak for the Montville area, obtain grants to organize events, and lobby for things that are important to us. So invite your neighbours to join up!

Contact the MVA secretary, at

What's on in Montville

September 11 - Montville Growers and Makers Market

Thinking about people, the planet, food production, loose leaf tea and delicious home style pancakes? At the Montville Growers and Makers Market this Saturday 14th September, our kitchen volunteers are cheering!  We’ve unpacked, cleaned and prepared our new kitchen equipment and a fancy big stove ready for a delightful spring market.

All these essential items were purchased with funds received from the Sunshine Coast Council’s grants program. Thank you, Sunshine Coast Council! 

The market opens at 7:30 am and pancakes are served until 10:30, or until they run out, so come early to get yours!

September 18 at 6 pm - "Meet the Candidates" for the 2024 Qld State Election

We invite all those interested to this event. You are invited to email us your questions prior to the event, but questions will also be taken from the floor if there is sufficient time.

Doors open at 5:30 pm for socialising over a free glass of wine, with the event starting at 6 pm. All are welcome!

17-22 September, 10 am to 4 pm - BRVA Spring Art Exhibition

At St Mary's Hall, please note all commisions and donations go towards the upkeep of this heritage listed community building.

28 September, 10 am to 4 pm - Kookaburra Painting Masterclass

This is an opportunity to learn from one of Australia’s Tutors. Renowned for her magnificent Australian Bird Life and Landscapes, Sarah will share the secrets to create your own beautiful and exciting acrylic paintings. You will be exploring the subtleties of our light and atmosphere as well as composition, colour mixing and techniques used in the craft of Acrylic Artworks.

What you will Learn:

You will learn about tone, temperature, colour mixing, composition, atmosphere, reflected lights, reflections and other subtleties unique to our Bird Life .

Price: $189 pp

29 September at 3 pm - Ensemble Trivium

Float away from the mundane and find yourself adrift in an ethereal soundscape of some of the most beautiful works written for flute, viola and harp.

Experience a soothing Telemann Sonata, Ravel’s luscious Sonatine en Trio and

bathe in the exquisite stillness of Takemitsu’s And I Knew ‘twas Wind, the perfect companion piece to the evening’s (afternoon's) last offering, Debussy’s luminescent Sonata.

An afternoon of sheer beauty awaits!


  • Georg Philip TELEMANN Trio Sonata in b minor TWV 42:h6

  • Maurice RAVEL/Salzedo Sonatine en Trio

  • Toru TAKEMITSU And I Knew ’twas Wind

  • Claude DEBUSSY Sonata


Monika Koerner, flute

Yoko Okayasu, viola

Lucy Reeves, harp (guest artist)

Drinks pre and post performances in Montville.

Please stay for a chat, we'd love to meet you!

October 11-13 - Writers Festival (Montville Village Hall and St Mary's Hall)

Attached is the programme, get your tickets online!

October 19 - Trivia in the Montville Village Hall

November 30 and 1 December - Come Fly with Me

By popular demand, a repeat of the sold out Rangebow performance. Tickets will go on sale soon.

MVA key reports

Montville Village Market: Lookback on the August Market

OVERVIEW:  A cold, cloudy morning easing into a partly sunny day.  The blinds down on the deck provided a cozy breakfast retreat and after a slow start, people enjoyed each other's company bringing warmth into a cold day.


A huge thank you to our cheerful volunteers as we achieved 123 serves of pancakes being made.  This compares with 124 pancake serves at the July market.   Total volunteer hours required to setup and run the market 94 hrs.  There were 24 volunteers helping, working an average of 4 hours per person.


Our kitchen volunteers are cheering! We’ve received delivery of our new stove, pancake pans and other handy kitchen equipment which we were able to purchase with funds received from the Sunshine Coast Council’s grants program. Thank you Sunshine Coast Council! 


Thank you to everyone for their valuable contribution of time and happiness.



The 17 volunteers working in the kitchen and serving pancakes were very well appreciated by patrons.

Kitchen receipts:


 EFT $679 Cash $652 less $120 float


MVA receipts:


EFT Nil Cash $29 (less $5 electricity to St Mary’s)



Stallholders receipts:


EFT $0  Cash $480 (less $150 musicians, $15 electricity St Marys)







There were 22 paying stallholders, No new stallholders, 3 cancellations.

Community stalls this market: 4 -  MVA Community Harvest, Barung Landcare, Coffee van, Hinterland Quarry Action Group


August notes: 

  • Market brochures:  Redesign market menus and allow for easy editing for price increases.

  • Memorial Road Closure on Market mornings:  Wayne is working on this with Council.

  • Market committee to follow up and connect with St Mary’s church re promoting the labyrinth on the Village Green for the September market if the Village Green market day bookings are in place.

Montville Village Hall: What's Happening


With thanks to the Montville Masons for providing us with the portrait of King Charles III, and the Woodies for framing it!


The Council have laid black tar/bitumen beside the flagpole at the Memorial Gates to level out the ground, so the water doesn’t flow towards the Hall. This work is unsightly and in my opinion is not a solution. Their report noted there was a lot of leaves and debris on the roof and was blocking the downpipes. I had already booked someone to address this and waiting for him to schedule it in.



New electric oven installed and looks very efficient. I have put a notice behind the stove alerting users the hotplates don’t change colour when hot so everyone should take extra care.


The Kitchen had an inspection from the Food Safety Inspector Sunshine Coast Council (this happens once a year). My Food Service Supervisors Certificate has expired so I will need to renew at a cost of approx. $100. This Certificate will last 5 years. The members of the Market Committee unstanderably didn’t volunteer to do this Certificate.


After researching 2nd hand Goldstein Gas Stoves I’ve come to the conclusion that we won’t get any money selling the old stove and arrangements be made to remove it asap.


White Dinner Plates donated

We received a donation of approx. 100 dinner and entrée plates from Mapleton Bowls Club. I sorted out the good ones and I’ll take the rest to Lifeline.


Storage Shed underneath Hall

Still waiting for quote from John Davis to build a shed style structure on the old water tank base.



We are looking for another willing volunteer to mow the lawns around the village hall and the church.

Community Group Updates

Russell Family Park (RFP)


The unofficial rain gauge recorded 286.5 mm for Aug, most of it falling on the 13th and 14th.

Although there was another recent sighting of the platypus in the bottom lagoon by our regular spotter, we are still seeking better photos.


BushCare Group

If anyone is interested in joining us, we are at the Park for one and a half hours from 7.00 am every Sunday. For further information contact Eric Anderson – Mobile 0427 127 417.


The major event for the Team this month was supervising the 38 visitors who participated in the tree planting as part of the Rangebow Festival on Sat 3 August. Seventy one plants went in comprising 27 local province species, including the host plant for of the endangered Pink Underwing Moth. The volunteers reported that the participants enjoyed the experience, some reporting that they were involved in last year’s planting and came back to see ‘their tree’. The friendly atmosphere was enhanced by the presence of the band and the visiting Pink Underwing Moth.

Pink Underwing Moth

Montville History Group


Our new website is life! All stories and images have been transferred to the new site. Check it out, it will take google a little while to start finding this site, so the more clicks, the better!

We now have a lot more space for higher resolution images, so please share them with us if you have any interesting ones, or better versions of the ones that are already posted!

Montville Sportsground Committee

The Montville Sportsground is owned by the MVA and has three tennants: The Range Soccer Club, the "Woodies" and the Montville Tennis Club. There is a quarterly meeting between a representative from the MVA and the clubs. The next meeting is in September.

Western Avenue Action Group (WAAG)

No updates this month.

Small Events Committee

Come Fly With Me is being re-run on 30 November and 1 December.  The sold out performances which were part of the Rangebow Festival in early August were very well received.  So the cast is looking forward to bringing their characters back to the stage.  Tickets will be available on Trybooking soon.

Trivia will be held on Saturday 19 October – tickets will be $15 per person and there will be a pop up bar as always.  Wayne Parcell is our wonderful MC again.

Two plays are being worked on for next year – more on these soon.

We would like to thank Ruth again who makes accessing the hall very easy and is always ready to help where required. 

Montville Streetscape (a joint MVA and MCC committee)

Montville Southern Entrance

The MVA has received a breakdown of the cost of the refurbishment.  The total came to $21,944.90.

Main Street Footpath Inlays 

Following the Main Street footpath inlays refurbishment there are again missing and loose items at the northern end of the footpath.  Council has been advised and I am awaiting response.

Vegetation at zebra crossing Mayfields – Crystal Multiverse

The vegetation at the Crystal Multiverse side of the zebra crossing has been trimmed.  The Mayfields side is not Council land, however they do trim from time to time when required.

The council garden maintenance team are investigating management of these gardens as well.

School tree lights

Adam Montgomery has asked if the MVA would support the installation of lights around the fig trees in the school play ground as follows:

“ I was thinking it would be the 2 fig trees and 1 large fig tree that run along the fence line and would be dark sky compliant also. It would be timed to run in the evenings until 9:00pm .

I would only  be interested in doing this if the cost isn’t too much and the streetscape committee feels it would be appropriate."


Festive Lights for the bottom end of town


Montville Laneways – name and signs

Streetscape is corresponding with the Chamber of Commerce for feedback on the request for the laneways to be signposted.

Montville Primary School

We currently 95 students enrolled over 4 classes here at Montville and are just wrapping up for Term 3. Next term sees our students participating in Swimming lessons, our 5/6 students will be learning surf skills at Alexander Headland and our P/1 class are going to a concert.


I am so excited to announce that our new playground will be officially opened on Monday 30 September. To say we all are really glad to see this project completed would be an understatement. I would like to invite the Montville community to the official opening of our wonderful new playground at 1:45PM Monday 30 September.


We are holding our final Open Morning on Friday 18 October from 9:00-10:00. If you or anyone you know are interested in bringing a child to Montville School we would love to show you around.

Finally on behalf of the staff and students, I would like to thank the MVA for their ongoing support.

Montville Tennis Club (MTC)


  • Women and Girls Sport sponsorship for coaching and participation now available.

  • Montville Magic Team performance in the Sunshine Coast Veterans (over 35 years) Tennis Competition remains solid with some valuable ‘lessons’ learnt from our opponent teams. Next tournament home match against Kingaroy on 22 Sept’24.

  • MTC will host the Mapleton, Montville and Toowoomba Interclub Tournament on 26 & 27 October’24.


Grant (EOI) for pathway/access remediation submitted April ’24 currently being assessed.


Steady with no new members in the month.

QLD Fair Play Vouchers available for juniors to undertake coaching – contact Ian Cowan (details on the MTC website)

Court use:

All social sessions well attended when not impacted by rain including:

▪ Tuesday morning mixed social tennis

▪ Tuesday afternoon kids group coaching

▪ Tuesday evening adults group coaching

▪ Saturday small group and individual coaching with ball machine training.

▪ Sunday social tennis (two sessions)

Casual bookings daily.

Priorities for the club:

  • Security surveillance system

  • Safe accessible pathways and secure storage

  • LED court lighting solution

  • Shade solutions on the pavilion green.

Wendy Sandford (VP and Player Representative), Grace Petterson (Secretary), Rachel Kienzle (Treasurer), Ian Cowan (Coach and Player Representative)

Fire Brigade

Period ending 11 September 2024


Rainfall to 11 Sep 2024:                 1724 mm. (1Jan- 11Sep 2023; 562mm)


2023  total:                                     938 mm.

2022  total:                                     3450 mm.   


Aug 2023 rainfall:                           23 mm.

Aug 2024 rainfall:                           233 mm


Previous driest year (2011)            1033 mm


Rainfall to 11 Sep 2024 incl is 183% of 2023's total, 100% of av yearly total over last 2 decades


Permits issued 09 Aug - 11 Sept  2024:  4 (last period: 4.)


We're still falling below last year's monthly figures for the last 4 months (rainfall so far in Sep 7mm). We are still in the balance.  TV is reporting concern for this fire season. A slab to the brigade might be good insurance. (so much for the 50% probability of a la Nina onset)

Masonic Lodge

Lodge building renovation continues.

Lodge met 10 September in Maleny, officers for 2024-25 were elected.       

Have Your Say!

Your voice matters, contribute your ideas, submit feedback or exchange views on matters that affect you and your community on the Sunshine Coast Council's "Have your Say" website.

Dog-related Businesses and Community Organisations Focus Group

Sunshine Coast Council has set up a new focus group, and is canvassing for representatives from community organisations. Let us know if you would like to get involved.

The purpose of the Dog-related Businesses and Community Organisations Focus Group is to provide specific feedback regarding animal welfare values which will help inform and guide the development of a Dog Exercise Area Regional Plan for the Sunshine Coast Local Government Area. This plan will establish desired standards of service for dog exercise areas (DEAs) and guide their equitable spatial distribution across our region for the next 20 years.


The plan will consider the appropriateness of the existing network and propose delivery of a future network that services user needs and aligns with our region’s environmental and community values. Council acknowledges the important social benefits that come with the provision of DEAs, such as animal wellbeing, bringing communities together and promoting healthy, outdoor lifestyles. The input received from this Focus Group will assist Council in developing a plan that delivers these benefits in a manner which effectively balances any impact with our region’s environmental, cultural and social wellbeing.


The Dog-related Businesses and Community Organisations Focus Group will be tasked with providing valuable input regarding our region’s animal welfare values. Accordingly, the conversation will be focused on these values only, other matters such as natural environment, social and accessibility, First Nations considerations etc. will be discussed during other applicable Focus Group meetings.

News - Works on Razorback Road, Hunchy

Volunteering Opportunities:

Volunteer in Montville - MVA Secretary

We are also still looking for a secretary to join the Montville Village Association's Executive Committee. If you are interested in what is happening in your area, and have a bit of time each month, drop us a line. We would love to hear from you! Please contact

Volunteer in Montville - Mowing

We are also looking for someone who is available to mow the laws around the Montville Village Hall and St Mary's Church as required. A lawn mower is provided. Please contact Ruth Kuss, Hall Coordinator at

Volunteer at Sculptures on the Edge

We are looking for community-minded volunteers to assist us with our 9 day Sculpture on the Edge event at Flaxton Gardens in the Sunshine Coast hinterland. This is an annual event run by Arts Connect Inc.

The event runs from Saturday 23rd November 2024 until Sunday 1st December.

Volunteers must be an adult (18 yo+) and are required for a range of duties which may include using an EFTPOS machine or ticket scanning device, handling cash, interacting with visitors, handling boxes of event catalogues, data entry on a computer, and assisting where possible. Some training may be provided.

Volunteers are required from 7:30am to 3:30pm each day. To volunteer you can register via our Humanitix portal at:


If volunteering is not for you then why not purchase a ticket to the event or register for one of the many workshops being run during the event. Tickets available from the 1st September.

To find out more details go to our website:

Call to ALL Beekeepers! Part 2

As I mentioned in “A Call to all Beekeepers” last month, the National Varroa Mite Management Programme (NVMMP) will conduct free all-day workshops on the management of Varroa mite in Queensland. These are starting in October with the first on the Sunshine Coast to be held on 2nd November 2024 in Maroochydore. You can book a place by using this link:


If you are unable to attend, then other upcoming venues for the Workshop are currently confirmed and can be found with this link:


More venues for the Workshop are being planned.


I urge all beekeepers to attend one Workshop and book early as places will be limited. It is important to remember, the worst outcome from the Varroa Mite incursion which other countries and now New South Wales have experienced, is the death of all untreated honeybee colonies, including feral honeybee colonies, across the landscape. Biosecurity Queensland is fully prepared for the incursion and will be on hand to assist all beekeepers and advise when and how to treat their hives and provide the recommended chemicals when indicated. Remember, by the time the mites can be seen in the hive on visual inspection, it is too late; the hive will die even with treatment. Regular testing will become normal practice.


To keep up to date via newsletters from the NVMMP, you can subscribe with the link:


All beekeepers must work together in the management of this pest and coordinate their treatment programmes. Lastly, please continue to monitor your hives by doing alcohol washes, now, every sixteen weeks. All results, including negative ones, should be reported to Biosecurity Qld. through the Bee123 link.


*   “Image courtesy of the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.”


You can contact me for further information and assistance.


John Baker


Biosecurity Officer, Sunshine Coast Beekeepers Inc.

October 16th MVA AGM - Be there to vote on our Australia Day Celebration

From our January 2024 GM proposal two motions will be presented at the AGM:

Motion One:

That from 2025 the Montville Village Association no longer celebrate Australia Day on January 26.

Motion Two:

That until such time as there is national consensus on a new date for Australia Day, the Montville Village Association devote its first General Meeting of each new year to the celebratory aspects of Australia Day including presentation of its two citizenship awards and hosting of a guest speaker on a relevant topic.

Motion Three:

Maintain the current Australia Day Programme on January 26th without changes.

Brief background:

Each year there, is around Australia Day, discussion as to the appropriateness of the date for Australia Day. The discussion rarely results in a change, peters out by mid-February, and rested until the following year. Several councils and organisations no longer celebrate Australia Day on January 26. The number doing this increases each year. Whilst there is general consensus that we should celebrate Australia Day as a national event there is, however, no consensus as to what date Australia Day should be moved to.

This proposition is aimed at ensuring debate and discussion on this issue over time by the Montville community and a decision by the community.

There is no presumption of any specific outcome other than the issue be debated and any decision reflects the local community.

Wildlife Road Casualties

It was very distressing to come across a wallaby on Western Avenue which had been hit by a car and her joey sitting next to her. It was just before 6 am and I was on my way to the gym. The animal was in obvious pain and distress, and must have made a decent impact on the car that hit her.

If you hit an animal, and don't know what to do, make sure you call one of our local wildlife volunteers. Program the number in your phone, and let your employees know who to contact!

Please, don't let these beautiful animals suffer; slow down, slow down, slow down...... and rethink the need for fencing your property as it limits their escape routes from the road.

Injured Wildlife: Rachel Connelly - phone: 0407 881 008

And pack some gloves and a large towel or blanket in your car to cover an injured animal with, while you are waiting for help.

AED (Defibrillator) Devices in Montville

AEDs can be found in the following locations in Montville:

  • Montville Village Hall Entrance - available 24/7, donated by Cr Winston Johnson to St Mary's Church

  • Montville Visitor Information Centre - available 24/7, donated by Opal Cutters

  • IGA - available during opening hours (every day 07:00 to 18:30)

  • Montville Mountain Inn, 126 Main Street, AED kept in the office - phone 07 5442 9499

First aid is also available from the Montville Health Centre at the Village Square (Mon, Wed and Thu 09:00 - 12:00, Tue and Fri 09:00 - 17:00)

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