Table of Contents
And check out the full calendar of local events on our home page:
Welcome to our Monthly Newsletter.
The Montville Village Association brings people together to participate in a wide range of activities. Our next event is the very popular "meet the candidates" for the upcoming council elections. Please note the deadline for submission of your questions!!!!
Our community is made up of many people from diverse backgrounds, age and interest groups. We value this diversity in our community. Our community grows healthier and stronger when we respect these differences and treat each other with kindness and courtesy. We acknowledge that, whilst we all live in this beautiful place, we don’t always agree and that’s ok. It is important that we all think about how we can listen and talk to each other in a thoughtful and considerate way. So next time you are at the sports ground, in the street or at the village hall, remember we are all responsible for making each other feel welcomed and a valued part of our community.
Feel free to share this newsletter and invite others to our events. Membership of the MVA is open to all with an interest in Montville, is free and doesn't come with any responsibilities. The size of our membership does impact our ability to speak for the Montville area, so invite your neighbours and friends to join up! Contact Janny, the MVA secretary, on Secretary.mva@gmail.com
Montville Growers and Makers Market this weekend!
Come and join us at the market; find a great selection of food and handmade items, something nice for your valentine, and enjoy the best pancake breakfast on the Range served by our friendly volunteers on the deck of the Montville Village Hall!

The market opens at 7:30 am in Memorial Close in the heart of Montville. Pancakes are usually served until 10:30 or when they run out, so come early to get yours!
February 14th, 6-7 pm - Meet the Div 5 Candidates
Our popular "meet the candidates" is back this year. Join us as we meet the candidates for our Local Government Elections (Division 5, which includes Montville, Flaxton and Hunchy).
Election Day is March 16th, so they will be ready to answer your questions. Our panel includes all three candidates:
Winston Johnston (independent, current Councillor)
Tracy Burton (greens)
Richard Bruinsma (independent)
MVA Members are invited to submit questions ahead of this meeting for answering by the candidates at the meeting. Questions should be sent to the MVA Secretary by Sunday February 11.
Only questions with a member's name will be accepted!
In the evening additional questions will be collected at the entrance for presenting. This method has been used successfully at previous "Meet the Candidates Meetings".Â
The meeting format will be a 5 minute presentation by each candidate followed by a question and answer session and general discussion. The evening will conclude with each candidate, in reverse order from their initial presentation, providing a summation.

February 14th, 5-5:45 pm - Blessing the Love Between us
Presented by The Rangebow Festival and St Mary's Church, a short celebration of love.
Friends, couples and romantics of all ages are invited to this celebration of the love that enhances and enriches our lives. In this couples have the opportunity to renew their vows or affirm their commitment as we all celebrate the beauty of the love between us. Accompanied by enchanting harp music in the lovely St Mary's Church Montville, the service concludes with a blessing and champagne toast - in plenty of time for the "meet the candidates" event!
Everyone is warmly welcome! Couples renewing vows are asked kindly to RSVP to maleny@anglicanchurchsq.org.au to assist with numbers for catering. However, walk-ins will be warmly welcomed!

February 21, 7-9:15 pm, Maroochydore RSL - Mayoral Candidates Forum hosted by Oscar
Oscar is delighted that Mr Tony Wellington, former Mayor of Noosa Council, will be the MC/Moderator.
7.00 pm - Welcome to all candidates and community members
7.00 - 7.30 pm - Candidates will each have 5 minutes to introduce themselves to the audience explaining why they should be elected as Mayor.
7.30 - 9.00 pm - Candidates respond to community questions.
In order to get through as many questions as possible and to avoid duplicating questions, we are asking community members to email their questions to secretary@oscar.org.au. There may be time for other questions from the floor, but that we cannot guarantee, so please send us your questions asap.
9.00 - 9.10 - Candidates will each have 2 minutes to make their final "pitch".
9.10pm - Close of proceedings - thanks to candidates and community members for their participation.
We would like you to register your intended attendance at secretary@oscar.org.au. At the same time you can include the question you would like answered by the candidates. Although registration is not compulsory you will need to do so if you want to lodge a question and it will assist with our seating arrangements.
All documentation will be posted on the OSCAR website, along with comprehensive information about the elections and all the candidates at:
March 2nd, 1-4 pm - Grooves on the Green

March 8, 7:30 am - International Women's day Breakfast

Get fit in 2024 in our Halls!
There are a number of classes running in the Montville Village Hall and St Mary's Hall. So if you have started the year with good intentions, here's your opportunity!

Class | When | Where | Details |
Qi Gong | Monday and Wednesday mornings, 10-11 am | Montville Village Hall | $15 for first class in the week, $10 for the second. Contact Chris at 0437 744 088 |
Tai Chi | Monday mornings, 8 - 9:30 am | Montville Village Hall | Contact Meridyth at dougaldog1@gmail.com or mobile 0412 103 180 |
Mat Pilates | Monday mornings, 9:15 - 10 am | St Mary's Hall | $15 per class, contact Tegan at palmypilates@gmail.com or mobile 0478 798 500 |
Yoga | Thursday mornings at 6 am | Montville Village Hall | Contact Sally at einganatcm@gmail.com or mobile 0400 962 778 |
23 and 24 March - Montville's Got Talent, A Talent for Murder
Brought to you by the MVA Small Events' team, a follow up from their hilarious 2023 production.
"A talent show goes horribly wrong. Will Vera work out who the killer is before they strike again?"

Only two shows at the MVA Village Hall, tickets available at $20 per person via the link below and are already selling fast!!!
This is a great fundraiser for our heritage listed Montville Village Hall:
Saturday 23 March at 7.00pm
Sunday 24 March at 2.00pm
Volunteering Opportunity - Every Sunday 7 to 8:30 am
If anyone is interested in joining at Russell Family Park for one and a half hours from 7.00 am every Sunday. A scrumptious morning tea is provided.
For further information please contact Eric Anderson – Mobile 0427 127 417.