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MVA Monthly Newsletter April 2024

Updated: Jun 7

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And check out the full calendar of local events on our home page:

Welcome to our Monthly Newsletter.

The Montville Village Association brings people together to participate in a wide range of activities.

Feel free to share this newsletter and invite others to our events. Membership of the MVA is open to all with an interest in Montville, is free and doesn't come with any commitments. The size of our membership however does impact our ability to speak for the Montville area, and obtain grants to organise events, so invite your neighbours to join up! Contact Janny, the MVA secretary, on

Montville Growers and Makers Market this weekend!

Come and join us at the market; enjoy the vibe of live music, hot coffee and delicious food while browsing stalls run by your talented stallholders. And enjoy the best pancake breakfast on the Range served by our friendly volunteers on the deck of the Montville Village Hall!

The market opens at 7:30 am in Memorial Close in the heart of Montville. Pancakes are usually served until 10:30 or until they run out, so come early to get yours!

April 17th at 5:30 pm - Free event: learn how to use an AED (defibrillator)

As we now have three public AED devices in our village we are holding a short and totally free, workshop on how to use these devices and where they are.

Find out what to do in an emergency, get life saving skills!

No booking required, just turn up at 5:30 pm!

The meeting that follows (from 6-7 pm) will feature a talk by Cyndi Holmes, Officer in Charge at the Maleny Ambulance Station, on who they are and what they do, with plenty of opportunity for questions!

April 25th at 5:30 am - Anzac Day in Montville

Lest we Forget - Our Anzacs

Cate Patterson will provide a short talk on six of our local Anzac heros who gave the ultimate sacrifice at the Anzac Day service.

Join us at the Anzac memorial gates in front of the Montville Village Hall

Montville Remembers - Stories of our Anzacs (1914-1919)

Don't forget to get your copy of "Montville Remembers - World War One", which was printed last year, there are still a limited number of copies available for sale.

World War One (WW1) impacted on small communities like ours right across the British Empire. This book lists the members of our community who served in a variety of capacities in this war, and provides a snapshot of their service and sacrifice. The "Roll Call" is a wonderful acknowledgment of each and every one of our men and women in service of the Empire.

On the Montville Village Green, six green leafy trees flourish to remind us of the six Montville men who died in combat. A seventh weeping fig tells of a young man who died from illness first contracted while he was aboard his troopship. This book provides a background into the activities that these men found themselves in.

The book is available for sale at the Montville Post Office in the IGA, and the remaining copies will also be available for sale on Anzac Day at the Village Hall. Cost is $25.

When War Came to Montville - Stories of our Anzacs (1939 - 1945)


Montville Remembers: World War Two 1939-1945 is Book 9 Part 2 in the Montville Stories Series. This book briefly introduces the context of the Second World War and pays tribute with a roll of honour identifying those men and women who worked and lived in Montville describing their military history and their lives before and after the war. In addition to the 67 men and 13 women on the Montville Honour Board, another 28 enlistees were discovered during research for this book.


The book also explains how the war came to Montville; with land army girls, troops in training at the sportsground and camped at Balmoral Lookout, with older men who continued working their farms but who were part of the Volunteer Defence Corps (VDC). There were military personnel staying at Guesthouses while on leave, and there were the Italian Prisoners of War who worked on the pineapple farms and the citrus orchards.


The book is 350 pages with around 280 photos collected from archives and from families of the military personnel. There will only be a limited number of copies printed.

It will be available in May this year, but can be pre-ordered already on Anzac Day. The remaining copies will be available for purchase from the Montville Post Office and the Montville Monthly Market at the MVA stall or by contacting Cate Patterson at Cost is $35.

May 4th at 12-3 pm - Grooves on the Green

Our next "Grooves on the Green" is on May the 4th (yes, "may the fourth be with you" star wars fans....), and we will be hosting Coby Schmeichel. Bring a chair, bring the family, get some nibbles and drinks from our village shops and establishments, and see you on the village green!

Sunshine Coast Biosphere Community Awards - nominations close 30th April

The Sunshine Coast Biosphere - Community Awards (previously Sunshine Coast Australia Day Awards) are a celebration of the contribution of individuals, community groups and organisations in our region.


Nominations are now open, closing 30 April 2024.

We’re looking for individuals, organisations and businesses, making a positive contribution to the community in our special region.  If you know of a person, community organisation or business making a difference in our Sunshine Coast community, celebrate their efforts by nominating them today.


Categories include: Citizen of the Year; Young Citizen of the Year; Senior Citizen of the Year; Community Group or Organisation of the Year; Creative Arts Award; Healthy People Award; Healthy Planet Award; and Biosphere Business of the Year.


For details of the awards and the application process, visit Council's website at:


Sunshine Coast Airport PDA Development Scheme

The Sunshine Coast Airport Priority Development Area (PDA) was declared by regulation on 28 July 2023. The PDA covers 460 hectares of land in Marcoola on the Sunshine Coast. The Airport is a key domestic and international gateway to the region.


The Airport has been identified in Shaping SEQ 2023 as major enabling infrastructure to support the northern gateway regional economic cluster and contributes to the continued economic growth of the Sunshine Coast region.


The Interim Land Use Plan (dated July 2023) is in effect until a PDA Development Scheme is finalised, later in 2024.


Development in the PDA will support the growth and expansion of the Sunshine Coast Airport. The Development Scheme will provide for uses that can capitalise on the proximity to direct export markets to support the creation of a modern competitive airport precinct servicing staff, passengers, visitors and residents.


The ''Have your Say'' opportunity before the final Development Scheme is sent to the Government is basically an opportunity to ask questions. While you might ask questions you may also want to indicate what you want/do not want on the Airport site. See the link at:


Volunteering Opportunity - Every Sunday 7 to 8:30 am

If anyone is interested in joining at Russell Family Park for one and a half hours from 7.00 am every Sunday. A scrumptious morning tea is provided.

And following several reports, we have a photo taken in the Ranges (see below) of the platypus!

For further information please contact Eric Anderson – Mobile 0427 127 417.

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